可私有化部署的漂亮的、轻量的 ETCD客户端,支持SSL、SSH Tunnel连接,支持多账户 session 管理
一个漂亮的、轻量的、可私有化部署的 ETCD V3 客户端,支持SSL、SSH Tunnel连接,支持多账户 session 管理。
二、功能概述为什么选择它?三、技术选型私有部署首先需确保你的本地环境拥有 JDK 11及以上的版本,前往 release 下载最新的 jar 包后执行: - java -jar etcd-workbench.jar
[color=rgb(51, 102, 153) !important]复制代码
浏览器中访问http://localhost:8002 私有部署文档配置文件部署的配置很简单,仅需一个配置文件,并且配置内容也非常少。 etcd-workbench.conf - [server]
- # Configure the port the service will run on.
- port = 8002
- # Configure the timeout for executing instructions to ETCD server, in milliseconds.
- etcdExecuteTimeoutMillis = 3000
- # Configure data storage directory.
- dataDir = ./data
- # If Authentication is turned on, in order to ensure that user data is not easily cracked,
- # configure the data signature key to encrypt and protect it. It must be 16 characters.
- configEncryptKey = etcdWorkbench@*?
- [auth]
- # If set to true, user must log in to use etcd workbench, and add the user field to configure the user.
- # If set to false, all connection data can be used and shared by anyone!!!
- enable = false
- # If enabled authentication, add username and password with `user` field.
- # Supports repeatedly adding multiple `user` fields.
- user = username1:password1
- user = username2:password2
- [log]
- # Base log level
- level = INFO
- # Customize the log level of the specified path.
- levels = io.netty:INFO,io.grpc:INFO
- # Configure log storage directory.
- file = ./logs
- # Configure log file name.
- fileName = etcd-workbench
- # Configure the log file rolling size. When this size is exceeded, a new file will be created to store the log.
- # Unit MB
- fileLimitSize = 10
- # Support: `std` and `file`
- printers = std,file
[color=rgb(51, 102, 153) !important]复制代码
本地部署首先需确保你的本地环境拥有 JDK 11+ 的版本,前往 release 下载最新的 jar 包,将配置文件 etcd-workbench.conf 放到和 jar 包同级目录即可生效,执行启动: - java -jar etcd-workbench.jar
[color=rgb(51, 102, 153) !important]复制代码
浏览器中访问http://localhost:8002 Docker中部署拉取Docker镜像 - docker pull tzfun/etcd-workbench
[color=rgb(51, 102, 153) !important]复制代码
启动容器 - docker run
- --name my-etcd-workbench
- -p 8002:8002
- -v ./etcd-workbench.conf:/usr/tzfun/etcd-workbench/etcd-workbench.conf
- -d
- tzfun/etcd-workbench:latest
[color=rgb(51, 102, 153) !important]复制代码
镜像的工作目录在 /usr/tzfun/etcd-workbench,其目录结构如下 - /usr/tzfun/etcd-workbench # tree
- ├── bin
- ├── data
- ├── logs
- ├── temp
- ├── etcd-workbench.conf
- └── etcd-workbench.jar
[color=rgb(51, 102, 153) !important]复制代码
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链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1KEYVE8AU9dNtYu2SSexxrA