花园小子 The Backyardigans 简介
《花园小子The Backyardigans》是美国尼克公司出品的又一部高质量CGI儿童动画系列,以音乐、舞蹈、动画、冒险为题材。故事情节轻松有趣,画面鲜艳绚丽,人物形象生动可爱,是北美最受儿童喜爱的动画片之一。
《花园小子》中的人物形象由著名儿童作家和插画家Dan Yaccarino设计;而每个角色都有两个配音演员,一个负责对白,一个负责演唱,并且所有的配音演员都是由小朋友来担当的。片中的舞蹈部分,都是先由编舞指导Beth Bogush设计完成,然后由舞蹈演员实际示范,最后再设计成动画。每一集都有多种不同风格的音乐类型和多首好听的新歌。整部系列的制作可谓用心良苦。
花园小子 The Backyardigans 剧情花园里住着5个学前班的小朋友,他们是最小最可爱的企鹅巴勃罗Pablo、和蔼但偶尔有点小脾气的麋鹿泰隆Tyrone、充满好奇心活力和自信的优尼卡Uniqua、美丽的黄色河马塔莎Tasha、以及害羞有超好玩的紫色羚大袋鼠奥斯汀Austin。他们是最好的朋友,凭借着他们出色的想象力,每次他们都把后院的小花园变成完全不同的世界,他们在这里经历各种各样的冒险故事。
花园小子 The Backyardigans 全4季78集 / 百度网盘
花园小子 The Backyardigans 英文版 情节串图
花园小子 The Backyardigans 全4季78集 / 百度网盘
花园小子 The Backyardigans 全4季78集 / 百度网盘
花园小子 The Backyardigans 英文版全集 剧集列表英文版花园小子 The Backyardigans 第一季 剧集
The Backyardigans S01E00 Intro.avi
The Backyardigans S01E01 Knights are brave and strong.avi
The Backyardigans S01E02 The yeti.avi
The Backyardigans S01E03 Pirate treasure.avi
The Backyardigans S01E04 The heart of the jungle.avi
The Backyardigans S01E05 Secret mission.avi
The Backyardigans S01E06 Riding the range.avi
The Backyardigans S01E07 The key to the nile.avi
The Backyardigans S01E08 The snow fort.avi
The Backyardigans S01E09 Its great to be a ghost.avi
The Backyardigans S01E10 Viking voyage.avi
The Backyardigans S01E11 The quest for the flying rock.avi
The Backyardigans S01E12 Surfs up.avi
The Backyardigans S01E13 Race to the tower of power.avi
The Backyardigans S01E14 Castaways.avi
The Backyardigans S01E15 Cave party.avi
The Backyardigans S01E16 High tea.avi
The Backyardigans S01E17 Eureka.avi
The Backyardigans S01E18 Polka palace party.avi
The Backyardigans S01E19 Monster detectives.avi
The Backyardigans S01E20 Race around the world.avi
英文版花园小子 The Backyardigans 第二季 剧集
The Backyardigans S02E00 Intro.avi
The Backyardigans S02E01 Mission to mars.avi
The Backyardigans S02E02 Samurai pie.avi
The Backyardigans S02E03 Whodunnit.avi
The Backyardigans S02E04 Volcano sisters.avi
The Backyardigans S02E05 Swamp creature.avi
The Backyardigans S02E06 Scared of you.avi
The Backyardigans S02E07 Secret of snow.avi
The Backyardigans S02E08 Special delivery.avi
The Backyardigans S02E09 Horsing around.avi
The Backyardigans S02E10 Movers of arabia.avi
The Backyardigans S02E11 Cops and robots.avi
The Backyardigans S02E12 Save the day.avi
The Backyardigans S02E13 Sinbad sails alone.avi
The Backyardigans S02E14 Into the deep.avi
The Backyardigans S02E15 Super Secret Super Spy.avi
The Backyardigans S02E16 Best clowns in town.avi
The Backyardigans S02E17 Tale of the Mighty Knights.avi
The Backyardigans S02E18 Catch that butterfly.avi
The Backyardigans S02E19 A giant problem.avi
The Backyardigans S02E20 News flash.avi
英文版花园小子 The Backyardigans 第三季 剧集
The Backyardigans S03E00 Intro.avi
The Backyardigans S03E01 Who Goes There.avi
The Backyardigans S03E02 Blazing Paddles.avi
The Backyardigans S03E03 Garbage Trek.avi
The Backyardigans S03E04 Fly Girl.avi
The Backyardigans S03E05 What's Bugging You.avi
The Backyardigans S03E06 Chichen-Itza Pizza.avi
The Backyardigans S03E07 To the Center of the Earth.avi
The Backyardigans S03E08 Front Page News.avi
The Backyardigans S03E09 Tale of the Mighty Knights.avi
The Backyardigans S03E10 Le Master Of Disguise.avi
The Backyardigans S03E11 Match On Mt Olympus.avi
The Backyardigans S03E12 The Great Dolphin Race.avi
The Backyardigans S03E13 Caveman's Best Friend.avi
The Backyardigans S03E14 Ranch Hands From Outer Space.avi
The Backyardigans S03E15 Robin Hood The Clean.avi
The Backyardigans S03E16 Escape from Fairytale Village.avi
The Backyardigans S03E17 Pirate Camp.mpg
The Backyardigans S03E18 The Two Musketeers.avi
The Backyardigans S03E19 The Masked Retriever.avi
英文版花园小子 The Backyardigans 第四季 剧集
The Backyardigans S04E00 Intro.avi
The Backyardigans S04E01 The Funnyman Boogeyman.avi
The Backyardigans S04E02 The Action Elves Save Christmas Eve.avi
The Backyardigans S04E03 Robot Rampage.avi
The Backyardigans S04E04 Catch That Train.avi
The Backyardigans S04E05 Attack of the 50 Foot Worman.avi
The Backyardigans S04E06 Dragon Express.avi
The Backyardigans S04E07 Flower Power.avi
The Backyardigans S04E08 Follow The Feather.avi
The Backyardigans S04E09 Break Out!.avi
The Backyardigans S04E10 Los Galacticos.avi
The Backyardigans S04E11 For the Love of Socks!.avi
The Backyardigans S04E12 The Flipper.avi
The Backyardigans S04E13 Elephant on the Run.avi
The Backyardigans S04E14 The Magic Skateboard.avi
The Backyardigans S04E15 Super Team Awesome.avi
The Backyardigans S04E16 Pablor and the Acorns.avi
The Backyardigans S04E17 The Amazing Splashinis.avi
The Backyardigans S04E18 The Big Dipper Diner.avi
The Backyardigans S04E19 The Tale of the Not-So-Nice Dragon.avi